A few weeks ago, I mentioned that Borough President Marty Markowitz had to contend with quite a rat problem around Brooklyn Borough Hall.
Well, I may be imagining things, but in that short time, the critters seem to have become much larger, judging by the size of their burrows. The rat holes are enormous. Could this be why the City has given up and called in the professionals? The Park's Department had been baiting along the planting areas last time I checked. That seems to no longer be the case. Now, posted along the fences, poison warning signs bear the name of U.S. Exterminator, Inc., a private corporation. Have they taken over?
I hope they have better luck fighting the rodents. However, wouldn't it help to keep the infested area super clean? As long as there is garbage leaking and falling out of the public trash cans along Cadman Plaza like the one pictured above, there may be little hope of significantly reducing the rat population. And another thing: didn't the city train people at the N.Y.C. Rat Academy? ( I am serious, it does exist) Why are we turning to the private extermination sector?
Is the problem so bad that the city can't handle it on its own any more?
Related reading:
Lots Of Rats At Brooklyn Borough Hall
Ms. Pardon Me Breaks A Story!
Home Page: Pardon Me For Asking
Why aren't they using this?
Inert gas mousetrap
The RADAR mousetrap, invented by Rentokil Pest Control, kills trapped mice or other rodents with carbon dioxide, then notifies the user by e-mail so that the trap can be quickly emptied and reset[11]. Rentokil claims that the trap is painless and also reduces future mouse deaths by pinpointing the exact location of the trap and how many animals are caught so that their access can be controlled by sealing access holes. PETA has recognized this product as an "animal friendly achievement" [12].
When some neighbors complained about rats, I had asked Clarett to use this at 360 Court. But they as usual didn't bother.
Can't believe that our Brooklyn Goodwill Ambassador would let things get that bad around Borough Hall, but it seems to be an indication of what's happening all over Brooklyn. Garbage and rats seem to be an everyday occurrence.
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