Have you ever noticed, dear reader, that there are slivers of Carroll Gardens that remain undeveloped in the middle of some of the most desirable blocks? One really has to wonder why such potential has been left untapped by developers when footage is at a premium.
What lack of vision! If these alleyways aren't quite big enough for a twelve story condo tower, may I suggest something that could be the next must-have in Brownstone Brooklyn? I am thinking: private bowling alley for the Brooklyn homeowner! What do you think? Or what about a private lap pool? No? All right, then! Here is another idea: a private archery range!
Or if that isn't your thing, how about darts? The possibilities are endless.
Just think about the profit that could be made all over the neighborhood....
Can you come up with other creative uses or do you know why these alleys even exist?
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Some of them are old 'horse walks' where to take horse to back yard.
Often older than most development around neighborhood.
One of my neighbors is in process of adding another story to one of these...and they claimed that current bldg code forced them to build out to side lot boundary on the new upper level even though 1st 2 floors still have the alley.
Well, that is really interesting, especially the bit about the horses. I guess that makes sense.
As far as your neighbor is concerned, that is very strange... Why would D.o.B. insist on such a thing...
So basically, the addition hangs over the alleyway? Do I understand this correctly?
right - top floor extends over alley.
Why code insists I don't know - but that is what they claimed.
This is on Baltic between Smith and Hoyt.
Construction is happening now.
Was unique house - not like other row houses in area. No stoop - just 1 step up.
You know I will be walking by with my camera in the next few days. I have to see that extension. It sounds too funny.
Ha ha that is TOO funny! I mean about potentially putting a lap pool or a one lane bowling alley between buildings! (not about the anons neighbors building though!)
the ones shown cannot possibly be horse walks... a horse would not fit in those narrow spaces. These are just spaces so that buildings are not attached, maybe there are side windows, who knows....
Yes, they would indeed have to be pretty svelte horses, otherwise they would get stuck in those alleys.
But I have seen larger walkways and there are definitely carriage houses behind some brownstones around here.
Can anyone come up with other more "contemporary" (and silly) uses for this prime real-estate?
Please don't give anyone ideas with this.
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