Friday, December 12, 2008

No Love Canal Here: Defend Gowanus


No Love Canal Here!
Defend Gowanus

Dear Reader, I urge you to sign the petition below. I did first thing this morning. Please send the link to all of your neighbors and friends.

Let us not leave the clean-up of the canal to developers and special interests.

We the undersigned, in an effort of protecting all waterways, seek a thorough cleanup of the Gowanus Canal, followed by an environmentally sound comprehensive community derived plan for any development, and the perpetual monitoring of the area for pollutants. We support the resolution submitted by the Sierra Club of New York.

The Gowanus Canal area (Brooklyn, New York) is undergoing changes from its currently manufacturing zoned to proposed spot zoning residential. As a result of this proposed change, the Gowanus environment, while already very damaged, will prevent its own vital and necessary natural remediation. Natural remediation provides the most effective alternative in absence of a comprehensive government cleanup.

Over 50 years, the Gowanus natural wetlands and habitat have been dangerously compromised as a result of industrial pollution and lack of action by public or private cleanup. This petition rejects this spot development along the canal as it endangers the health of local residents and the promise of any meaningful remediation. .
To Sign Petition, Click Here


Anonymous said...

This document represents the voices of so many in our communities who care about the future safety and welfare of their familes, friends and children.

Often the mistake is made towards decsions which benefit the moment without serious thought of the consequences for the future. This is such an example.

I suggest passing this along to a friend and attach a brief note why this matters to you (us). This can only offer more meaning to the spirit of the Holidays.

Anonymous said...

I signed it and passed it on, hopefully something good will come out of it.