Friday, March 25, 2016

The Painted Rocks Of Warren Street

(photo credit: Walking and talking)

Some may be decorating eggs for Easter Sunday, but others here in Carroll Gardens are painting rocks.
The photos above were sent to me by 'Walking and Talking' who reports:
"I saw these last night as I was going home from work. Sweetly painted rocks line the path of Warren Street between Court and Smith on the north side of the street."

Whatever you are decorating or celebrating, enjoy the week-end.


1 comment:

Terry said...

I've never been able to buy anything from them ever since one winter day, years ago when they had their store on Atlantic Avenue off of Bond, a stray dog came into their store. He was obviously distressed, dirty and thin, and they, so-called Christians that they are, chased the dog out onto the avenue, where he would certainly been hit by a car. I went after him and was able to catch him (he was very friendly) and was able to later find him a home. I never forgot their treatment of that poor dog, and despite the fact that I loved their merchandise and I lived very close to their store, I never shopped there again.