Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Construction On Another Section Of New Bulkhead In The Gowanus Canal Has Begun
Part of the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund clean-up of the Gowanus Canal depends on property owners replacing or repairing the bulkhead along their property, so that the bottom of the canal can safely be dredged without the uplands collapsing into the water.
A few sections along the 1.8 mile canal have already been replaced, notably along the Whole Foods Gowanus site as well as in front the Lightstone Development at 363 and 365 Bond Street.
Today, work on a new bulkhead began in front of 155 Third Street and the Canal.
The property belongs to Monandock Construction.
As you can tell from the video, the work is a bit loud, but moves along swiftly.
The sooner the bulkheads along the Gowanus are replaced, the sooner the dredging can begin.
That is, unless the Potentially Responsible Parties, or polluters, who are responsible for paying and cleaning the canal, try to delay the clean-up.
They are trying....and we should not let them.
You might want to read this, if you missed it.
Forget Clean Gowanus Canal By 2022: Schedule Proposed By Potentially Responsible Parties Adds Six To Seven Years To Completion Date
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2:18 PM
Labels: bulkhead, EPA, Gowanus Canal Superfund
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The self storage property south & across from Whole Foods (WF) is also installing new bulkhead and property west of WF rebuilt their bulkhead in March. Come canoe with us any Wed. evening 6-8pm and see for yourself. We are open and it's free (donations encouraged)!
I was working from home yesterday so I heard a lot of this. My only real issue with the sound was one truck seemed to be perpetually stuck in reverse.
Another photo angle might be nice.
I am NOT looking forward to the dredging. The last time they did a serious dredging of the Gowanus Canal our neighborhood cancer rates rose by leaps & bounds.
Granted - more people have HVAC's and Portable Air Filters these days, but I feel sorry for parents with young children with developing lungs. Or for seniors who are already having health issues.
On the up side - people left C.G. in droves last time (mid-1970's early 1980's) because of the health issues that abounded during & soon after the dredging - property values will probably plummet soon after the dredging begins, and buildings and apartments will become affordable again.
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