
Thursday, November 08, 2012

Tonight, Rebuilding Session For Red Hook Homeowners And Business Owners With Architect Jim Garrison

Just go with the flow.  iphone pic
Photo Credit Gunni Cool on Flickr

I just received word that architect Jim Garrison of Garrison Architects will be holding an informational session tonight on rebuilding in Red Hook after Hurricane Sandy. I have no doubt that much of the information will be helpful to Gowanus home owners as well.

Rebuilding session for Red Hook homeowners
and business owners with architect Jim Garrison

At 6:30 Thursday night, architect Jim Garrison will be on site to share rebuilding resources with local home and business owners. He will help explain some of the more arcane FEMA guidelines, and advise regarding updated mechanical systems that are less expensive and less flood-prone.

This will be an essential info session for people who are looking into grants and loans to get their buildings back running again.

Topics will include:
Flood-proofing and upgrading your mechanical systems
Grants, loans, and tax incentives for rebuilding
Demystifying the FEMA guidelines
Proposals for updated building codes for flood-prone areas

This will be an informative session, but it will also be an opportunity to share your views on the best practices for moving ahead as a community. Let’s use this disaster as a chance to speak to the city about Red Hook’s future.


  1. Thursday, September 8th?

  2. Thanks for catching this. Just corrected the post. The pdf info that was sent was wrong. I'll let them know as well.
