
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

More Proof That Opossums Have Settled Quite Nicely In Carroll Gardens

photo credit: Susanne

Over the past few years, there have been quite a number of opossum sightings in Carroll Gardens and it is clear that the little critters seem to be quite comfortable in the neighborhood. So comfortable, as a matter of fact, that one tried to get a table at Wilma Jean last Sunday morning. The police arrived in time to stop it from entering.

The photos above were sent to me by reader Susanne, who reports that her husband saw the scene in front of the eatery. "There were 4 policemen trying to capture the little guy, but my husband didn't wait to see how it ended because the animal was pretty frightened. Everyone in the crowd seemed to have seen an opossum around the area."

The top photo was taken in Susanne's back yard on Sackett Street a few days ago. "It comes by our window about once a day. With the size of an adult cat. I could not believe that he/she? could do that tightrope act. That's where we usually only see birds. Or squirrels."

Though I have yet to see an opossum in my backyard, I did encounter a mother with her babies on Clinton Street a while back. The little ones were quite adorable.

Susanne sent along a link to a Gothamist article, which explains that opossums were brought into Brooklyn on purpose in the past few years to help combat rats.


  1. There was an opossum on Henry Street between President Street and Carroll Street about two weeks ago. Someone left it what looked to be dog food on a brownstone stoop and it was eating it. Did a double-take while walking home...

  2. Just be careful everyone! Opossums during the day may been they're extremely hungry, sick or injured. I wish this went without saying, but be sure to keep it at a distance.

  3. They have long been spotted down by the canal where they are building that monster housing complex. They are have been evicted and are running to find new places for nesting.

  4. we had one in our back yard in Park Slope South. It was huge but they are cute.

  5. I look forward to when they develop a taste for trust fund children.

  6. Why call cops?!?!? That animal will be destroyed. They have no animal recovery methods.

  7. On the 3rd St. bridge last week I encountered a large raccoon that seemed to be heading to whole foods. At first I thought the glowing eyes were those of a cat but quickly realized the gait was distinctly raccoon.
    I stopped to take out my phone for a pic, he stopped, calmly turned around and retreated down a service ladder to whereabouts under the bridge.

  8. I actually spotted a raccoon on the Carroll Street Bridge at about 8:30 pm on Monday night. He waddled off towards the Lightstone project.

  9. One of those snowy/rainy nights last month, looked in the backyard and saw what i thought was the biggest rat ever - Had one of those moments when you can hear your heart beating in your ears, soiled myself slightly and then realized it was one of our marsupial friends... Regardless, a "Rodent of Unusual Size".

    They caught one on Hicks and Sackett yesterday - did not look like it was in good shape.
