Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nardi Tailor & Dry Cleaners To Be Replaced By Tanning Salon On Smith?

Nardi, the tailor, alterations, dry cleaner place at 317 Smith Street closed its doors about a week ago, but it took me a few days to get over there to take the photos above.
The place has been there for quite a while and it is sad to see the storefront empty. I popped my head into the shoe repair place next door to find out what happened. I was told that Nardi retired and that a tanning salon is moving in.
Say what? A tanning place? Is that what this neighborhood really needs? There is one just a block away at Court and Union, above the health food store.
A tailor was just a wee bit more useful.


Anonymous said...

The tailor retired because his wife passed away not too long ago. He has no other family here, so he decided to move back to Italy.

Anonymous said...

Very sad to see the Tailor go :( But in tanning salon news... I heard that the tanning place on Court is just moving over there, and that it's not a competing salon moving in.

Kelly said...

Thanks for all the information.
That would make a lot of sense.

Really did not think that two salons could survive in a one block radius.

Max Van Der Cock said...

...I really did not think a single tanning salon would survive in this economy in our neighborhood! I think its outgrowth from the gym though, they used to have tanning out of Body Elite until they opened the place next door. What will be a real shame though is that they're likely to put in a modern storefront. I really enjoy that stretch of Smith with the old-style storefronts. I just wish the newer places could adhere to a more cohesive aesthetic for the neighborhood. I'd hate for the neighborhood to start looking like manhattan.

Know the guy said...

The tailor used his wife as a work-horse and was often mean to her even while she was sick.

Her son, from Italy, came to take care of her for her last few months while the husband drank and forced his wife to sew even on her death-bed.

Almost every Dry Cleaner in the area has a tailor associated with it - don't feel bad for this guy. Feel bad for his son.

Also, word has it he's charging almost $6,000.00 a month rent to the new tenants - - - just another greedy Smith Street building owner.

Raised in Carroll Gardens said...

Dear "Know the guy"

Wow - that's a bit strong. But yes, he was always kinda' rude to his wife and didn't do much for her when she got sick (We know him, too.)

And yes, he is getting an outlandish rent for his storefront.
I know someone who was interested in moving a current Smith Street business to his storefront as a new location. (It seems THAT landlord is looking to double that shops' current rent.)
Nardino was all set to let this shop move in until he got a WILD offer from the Tanning Place. He dropped the other shopkeeper (a friend of his, by the way) and took in the tanning place.
You were right - he's mean and he's greedy!!

By the way, be on the lookout for another Smith Street Shop to close early in the New Year. As I noted, another Greedy Smith Street building owner (who doesn't even live in Carroll Gardens) is pushing out a 12+ year business. Why, not because of money - - -
But for MORE money!