I have been a knitter all my life. I even had a children's sweater business for a short time, selling my creations to super expensive stores here in New York City. Yes, even to Henry Bendel. But nothing could be more fun than to knit for pinguins.
Turns out that groups of old ladies, a lot of them in nursing homes have started knitting jumpers for Australian fairy penguins. The penguins, which grow to around 33cm, are often covered in oil from the spills as they return to Phillip Island’s beaches from the deeper water of the Strait.
The jumpers, when fitted, keep the penguins from ‘preening’ (picking at their feathers) to remove the oil, which is highly toxic to them. Later they are used to protect them after cleaning, a process that temporarily affects the natural oil keeping the birds warm and waterproof.
Now that's a fun way of keeping busy in front of the television. Here are the instructions
How to Knit a Penguin Jumper, you will need:
8 ply wool
1 pair No 9 needles (3.75)
1 pair No 11 Needles (3.00)
Cast on 36 Stitches
K1 P1 to the end of row
Repeat for 7 rows
Change to K2 P2 and increase on stitch at each end of every row 4 times (44 Stitches)
Continue until work measures 10 CM
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 28 stitches remain
Decrease 1 stitch in the middle of the next row
Leave on needle or stitch holder
Make second side the same as the first
Using the No 11 needles knit both sides onto these needles and K1 P1 for 22 rows. Cast off.
Stitch up the sides to the beginning on the decreasing to 27 stitches, this is to be left open for each flipper. Stitch up the neck.
The finished jumper should measure 4.5” (115mm) wide and 7.5” (190mm) long
If you are a loose knitter, use smaller needles. And remember, the knitting must be firm to prevent the penguins from getting out of them.
If you do make a jumper, you can send of off to :
The Manager
Pet Porpoise Pool
PO Box 532
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

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