The Back Yard Before Picture
When a winter storm threatens New York City, all local news stations send their reporters to the city's salt depots. Every time! Standing in front of the huge mount, wind swept and freezing, they inform us that the city is ready and that the salt spreaders are "standing by." We are informed that the city is ready for all eventualities. That's good to know. I pay enough taxes here in Gotham. But frankly, I don't need to see the salt stock pile every time. Its enough that the weatherman tells me that there will be a storm.
So this morning when the teen son was getting ready for school, I watched Eyewitness News. And guess what I saw! A bloody reporter in front of that damn salt pile. And we are expecting what? 1-3 inches here in the city. I better go to the supermarket and stock up on groceries. Especially milk.
I don't know why, but at the mere mention of snow, I feel an unbelievable urge to get milk. In the 27 years that I have lived in New York City, there have only been about 3 instances when the local deli ran out of the white liquid during a snow storm. But I was prepared. I had a few half-gallons in the fridge. Because there is nothing worse than a snow storm without a good cup of hot chocolate. And you can't make that with water. It's just not the same.
So, let me run to the store now...and I promise I will post an after picture later. If there is any snow.
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