Monday, June 18, 2007

Brooklyn Wildlife


We have quite a bit of wildlife action going on in our tiny backyard. To our big delight, a pair of turtledoves has made a nest in our grape arbor. Its not much of a structure, just some very loose sticks and grasses on top of each other. It hardly looks as though it could support the eggs, much less the parents as they take turns sitting on them. It is pretty neat having this little family just a few feet from our house. The only disadvantage is that I feel guilty going outside for every time I do so, the birds flutter away in panic
In addition to the love birds, we have a very vocal mockingbird who took up residence in our teeny
backyard oasis. As gentle as the doves are, the mockingbird is aggressive and loud. Which brings me to last night. Did anyone out there know that mockingbirds sing at night too? I have been woken up a few nights in a row now with the insistent chant of this feathered disturbance. At first, I thought that it must have been shortly before dawn. I was too lazy to fumble around in the dark to find my glasses, without which, I am pretty much blind and cannot see the alarm clock to check the hour. But last night, I could have sworn I had just fallen asleep, when the little monster started chirping. This time, I checked. It was precisely 1:20 AM. Is that normal? He sang all night, I kid you not. My better half woke up at 3 AM and complained.
Now don't get me wrong. I love the singing of birds. I would prefer to listen to it during the early morn and during the day. But at 1:20? What is wrong with this thing. Has the nightlife on Smith Street inspired this little fellow?
Does anyone out there know what is going on with Brooklyn mockingbirds?


Anonymous said...

Mockingbirds are known to sing at night. That's what I learned when one started singing in our back yard a few weeks ago. I love it!

Kelly said...

Hi Anonymous,
You are right! I just googled it and found out that
only bachelor mockingbirds sing at night to attract a mate. Lets hope ours finds a match soon. I love the songs the bird sings, but at night it is a bit much...
The Northern Mockingbird is a world-famous singer, considered finer even than the Nightingale of Europe (the one John Keats wrote about in his "Ode to a Nightingale"). The male mockingbird sings a medley of songs belonging to other birds, repeating each phrase several times before moving on to the next. Unlike most songbirds, which learn their songs before they're a year old, a mockingbird continues to expand his repertoire all his life. Some include the sounds of people whistling, frogs croaking, and doorbells ringing.

Although all adult male mockingbirds sing during the day, only a bachelor sings at night. He stops doing that as soon as he wins a mate. What the person who emailed me was complaining about was a love song.

Anonymous said...

i hope that ours finds a girl soon because he's driving us nuts. He might need to expand his mating area because after 3 weeks he's still going!!!!

Kelly said...

Maybe he should go on
sorry, couldn't resist. Every second person it seems has found there mate on there lately.
Seriously, though, they are awfully loud and prevent a good night sleep.

Anonymous said...

I live in Bay Ridge Bklyn and there is a single lonely male mockingbird that sings like CRAZY outside my window across the street. Usually starts around 1am til about 4am. Been about 3 weeks yes, I feel your pain. Hopefully he finds a girl soon or maybe he should try a different block cuz he has not been successful for some time now. Time to bark up another tree!