Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pigeons: Brooklyn's Official Bird


The official bird for New York State is the Bluebird. Here in New York City, I can't quite believe that. Pigeons are so much a part of New York City's landscape that we should just declare it our official bird. Some think they are cute, some others shudder when they see them. A friend of mine calls them "rats with wings." I guess that is a very apt description.
If it is true that in this city, there is one rat for every inhabitant, the ratio of pigeons to city dweller may not be far behind. Homeowners here in Brooklyn spend quite a tidy sum of money trying to keep these feathered foes from nesting in cornices and under window air conditioners. Many a building has been defaced and the only solution has been to put up these ugly little spikes around any horizontal surface of one's house. There is a brownstone at the end of my block that has these little spiky things all over it, along the cornice, over all the window brows and even over the entry way.
It looks so ugly especially when autumn leaves and stray paper get impaled on the spikes. All of this just to keep these birds away. I guess if I lived in Venice, I would find them romantic, but here in Brooklyn, they just spook me out.



Anonymous said...

They usually spook me out also, especially when they fly low and seem to be aiming for my head, but yesterday I saw one missing a claw and sort of limping on a bony stump across the street - I truly felt sorry for it! As for the blue birds, I have never seen them in the wild until I started working as an orthodontist (wink wink) 4 years ago in Bay Ridge. The back yard of our converted limestone townhouse to office is full of them and they are really beautiful! Occasionally we also get some cardinals. Best wishes!

Kelly said...

"Stumpy" the pigeon would have broken my heart too, I must admit. But for the most part, I don't have a soft spot for them.
I think we need some falcons in the city. That would take care of the problem, though I would be very concerned if I saw one of those landing on a tree next to my house.
Have a good day. I have to wake up Moody Teen now and make sure he is wearing his rubber bands (wink wink)