Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Brooklyn Heights Farmers Market Cheaper than Carroll Gardens' Market?


Aha! Here is proof. The heirloom tomatoes were cheaper today at the Borough Hall Fresh Market than at the Carroll Street Market on Sunday. And they were organic too. What gives? Is it that there are more vendors downtown? Because for a difference in two dollars a pound, I will gladly walk the extra blocks.

read the related story:
Carroll Gardens Farmers Market And The $2 Tomato


Lisanne said...

Actually I have to say you must of missed the 2$ a lb tomatoes at Carroll St the other day..cause i bought some weren't sure if they were heirloom though..i bought eggs, a couple eggplant, an onion (which i thought was rather high at (1.75!)and some broccoli I think i spent about 8 bucks..i have to say the eggs taste so much better than reg. store bought eggs..as do all the other veg..stay away from the $10.oolb tomatoes! They must of been the caviar of tomatoes or so I hope!

Katia said...
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Katia said...

Hey Lisanne,
Yes, i felt as though I should have taken out the silverware to eat that tomato.
I will stay clear of that vendor next time.
S2-4 dollars a pound for tomatoes seems much more reasonable.