I just woke up this morning to a cool, slightly windy Saturday morning here in Brooklyn. After the humidity of the last few days, it is welcome relief. And on top of it, it is a long week-end. The official end of summer.
Mr. Pardon Me just came down with what seems to be boundless energy.
"Do you want to attack the back yard?" he asked even before his first cup of tea.
" Do you want to go grocery shopping and get over to Lowe's to pick up a shower curtain rod?"
Yes, yes, I know it all has to be done. There is literally nothing to eat in this house. I have not gone out to hunt and gather groceries yet, though we have been back for four days already. College Daughter has been showering without a curtain back in Manhattan and the back yard looks like a jungle after five weeks of neglect.
Yes, vacation is really over and this week-end is a sad reminder that reality is just around the corner.
So I took my coffee outside into the back yard and started pruning. My husband followed behind me tackling the huge tufts of weeds that had grown between the bluestones of the patio. Within minutes I had three mosquitoes buzzing around my head. They were everywhere. Which begs the question: Why are they not spraying anymore. Is West Nile Disease not a threat anymore. Valiantly, I continued hacking my way around the yard, but it became too much. After less than an hour, we were forced inside by the insects. I now have about six or seven bites along my ankles and my arms.
Forced to abandon our yard work, we jumped into the car to go to Lowe's. Like experts, we navigated our way through the aisles, grabbed a shower curtain rod and scooted out of there.
College Daughter was waiting for us at her apartment. I noticed that she had re-arranged her few pieces of furniture for the 100th time in the tiny studio. I also saw from the corner of my eyes that I had not finished painting the place back in May. Put that on my list of things to do.
Yes, summer is over. I now officially have too much to do, and not enough time to do it in. I think that is the real definition of stress. So, yeah. After less than one week back, I am stressed. But hey, there is still Sunday and Monday to this long week-end. Then, I am sure, all hell will break loose on Tuesday.
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