Will you forgive me, dear reader, for taking a few days to myself and for not posting?
For days, I have gotten up in the morning and made a vow that I would sit down in front of the computer to write more about life in France. But then, you see, even on our little hill, there is always something to do. There are neighbors and friends to catch up with. Remember, I need to catch up on a year's worth of gossip. Then there are the house guests who have started to arrive from Germany and America. And of course, there is the work... the painting of shutters, the cleaning out of the attic and the sewing of curtains.
Last but not least, there is the yard work in my ever wild garden.
In the spring, my wonderful neighbor Claudine plants flowers in the planters which adorn our stone wall. It is a wonderful greeting upon our arrival. But it is my dream to one day have flower beds, big beautiful patches of blooms. So, determined, I add new species each year. Most do not make it through the winter, but some hardy ones are tenacious enough to make it till the next season.
After a few years of stubbornly adding to my little patch of land, I have beautiful butterfly bushes, irises and day lilies, pale pink climbing roses as well as red lobelia.
One day, you will see, I will have a magic garden.
Tomorrow, I promise, I will write more.
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