I thought I could put it behind me, dear reader, but I am still fuming over a visit to the postal service at the Eileen Dugan Senior Center on Court Street.
Forget for a moment that our neighborhood lost a postal truck and had to beg for this 4 hour, one-day-a-month service. What really got me upset is that I seized January's window of postal opportunity on Friday and carried a package over to the senior center just to be told that...you guessed it...they don't accept larger packages.
Now let me point out that there was no one in line ahead of me, that the very unfriendly postal worker was making a personal call on her cell phone as I walked in and that the package was a return with the return postage already on it. I just wanted to drop it off, but was told that I had to go to the Red Hook station.
I pointed out to Ms. Postal that there were no signs about the acceptable size anywhere. My box measured 18x15x11 inches ( yes, I measured, I was that mad). Hardly a huge box, but she refused to take it. I ended up schlepping it back home, fuming all the way.
Pardon me for asking, but will Carroll Gardens ever get the postal office it deserves?
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Maybe when all the new residents of the Toll project aren't busy using jedi mind tricks on the politicians to clean the canal and working to pay their mortgages they can lobby to get a new post office. After all, it seems these hypothetical residents will have magical powers that will enable them to get the things we have been advocating for done.
Seriously, people should contact Yvette Clarke and Nydia Valezquez since it is a federal issue. At least we aren't in Kensington.
Super, Cynthia,
Yes, we should provide those potential Toll inhabitants with a list of issues. They may as well get working on this now, so by the time they move here, everything is settled.
How about you keep quiet and just walk the five minutes to red hook, atlantic, or columbia? Or are there too many colored folks around there?
Touche 10:10AM!
Nothing ever gets better or improves by staying quiet.
This neighborhood has been pleading for a post office for decades.
I ended up taking the package to the post office the next day.
A far as that other remark: that's a bit harsh, don't ya think?
to 10:10 , you sound like a postal worker. Keep your mouth shut, don't do your job and and just pick up a pay check!
We NEED a full time post office and we need it yesterday
Your postal experiences are not uncommon. Here in Park Slope we have a branch Post Office on 7th Avenue, the main one for our zip code is on 9th St between 4th/5th Aves.). That little annex has the worst customer service and the most horrible conditions of any post office I have ever seen.
My 84 year old mother has a very hard time getting to the larger one and complains about the lack of courtesy and basic service.
My conclusion after many years of sub-par service is that the USPS has some serious managerial issues in Brooklyn, which filters down to the daily workers, and none of them give a sh*t about customer service.
And yes, the politicians should know how bad it is. But so should the management at the top of the USPS food chain.
To 10:10: We don't need comments like yours on this site. The Red Hook PO is not 5 blocks from the Eileen Dugan Center, and for anyone who must walk to that PO, they take their lives in their hands when attempting to cross Hamilton Ave, especially the elderly. Please take a chill pill or visit some other site that's more to your liking, thank you.
to: 10:10: As harsh as your comment sounds, I have to say, I agree with it. I have been walking to Red Hook for 17 years now, and it might do some of the whiners in this neighborhood some good to have to cross Hamilton to slum it with the Ricans, to cross the Canal to mingle with the squatters at the Whole Food site or to go down to the Atlantic Avenue post office to check out the muslims!
Besides, who the hell is home during the day to mail things? I mail at my lunch break at work. And if you don't work or work from home, then guess what? You've got the time and resources to walk to where ever you want, or, even, get on a bus!
Batman: Talk about harsh. Please, dear child. I, too, mail packages from my office (on my dime, of course). However, I have on occasion needed to mail large packages from home when I'm not at work, and if the item can't wait until I return to work or it's too heavy to lug on the subway to midtown, the Red Hook PO is NOT convenient. Oh, and yes, if I may elaborate...I live in CG, I have been to Red Hook, and I have walked along Atlantic Ave many times from Flatbush Ave down to the river...as I have been a resident of CG for 55 years. I have no problem with "mingling" with people who are different from me. I think most people in this area have done the same. You may need to share some chill pills with 10:10.
By the way Batman, some people work from home these days....
Umm, I work from home, which allows me the time flexibility to do things like post to blogs in the middle of the day, as well as take a walk down to Atlantic to the PO and pick up some California Tacqueria on the way home. Besides, the Atlantic PO is better anyway, they have the automated machine.
Discussions like this are why long-time residents and natives (i'm not one myself, but still...) dislike the gentrifiers and yuppies.
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