Whole Foods Gowanus plans are moving forward once again. This weekend we received written notice from NYCDEC wetlands division that the public comment period is underway for this project. The problem is that the comment period began on Feb 9th and notice to the community was not made until the 21st. The comment period is to close on March 6.
This application has been in the works for years now and in June 2007, FROGG sent a written request to NYSDEC Region 2 Wetlands Division asking that we be notified of the public comment period. For a while, we placed monthly calls to the division head, John Cryan, for status of this application. Now, two years into the process, we are given notice for public comment well after the comment period has begun.
Please contact John Cryan and ask that this comment period be reset with a time frame that will allow our organizations time to meet and formulate comments. We understood that this comment period was to run for 30 days, but the notice now states, 23 days from Feb 9.
John F Cryan
NYSDEC Region 2 Headquarters
47-40 21ST St
Long Island City, NY 11101

Whole Foods Market Group Inc
125 Cambridge Park Dr
Medway, MA 02053
The applicant proposes to construct an approximately 77,000-square-foot footprint commercial building housing a supermarket, along with a total of 414 parking spaces, including a 3-level parking garage. landscaped shoreline promenade, replacement bulkhead sections and stone revetment, two new storm water outfalls, and associated paving, utilities, and landscaping, on an approximately 3-acre site located on the southwestern corner of Third Street and Third Avenue, on the Fourth Street Basin of the Gowanus Cabal, in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn
Whole Foods Market Group - 3RD ST/3RD Ave
Third St and Third Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Application ID:
Permit(s) Applied for:
Article 15 Title 5 Excavation & Fill in Navigable Waters
Article 25 Tidal Wetlands
Section 401 - Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification
Project is Located:
Brooklyn, Kings County
It's about time , we need a super market !! Getting tired of looking at that vacant rodent infested parcel. Would like to see it built as stated.
Third Street and Third Avenue, on the Fourth Street Basin of the Gowanus Cabal, in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn
don't have to toss a 'kern' over this
can't get anymore "wholesome whole foods" than that, i mean, toid an toid ave. is gowanus paradise and, it's nice to know that the rats can now stay home and go gourmet
don't worry 'bout it!, whole foods may grow some organic stuff on site to give it a specific gowanus flavor, no spices needed here
also a good location as the Shongods with the face fins, Shlubazza's, Shemanoodas who Keep Chicky, Skinny Molinkskis, scutzes, Weasel Dealers, "Pal" or "Buddy", chiefs, Duh-ta-duhdfs, fugazies, putzas's, Cugutzas, skives, sorry, i mean customers, can get there by cabling, skitchin', surfin', or walkin' 'cross the water, for sure once those who come on the Don't-Go-On-Us get thare
i heard it's so true, they may break the devil's dishes but whole foods is going to be the first place to bring back the Charlotte Russe and, i dare themz, the Two Cent Plain and the 5 cent egg cream, i double dare yooz with whipcream on top, (of course, you can market it as the come back to brooklynsergioriginal 5 cent eggcreme and piece of cake - $4.50) on opening day, gracias
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