Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Sheared Off Side Mirrors Common Occurence On Hoyt Street


Too much car traffic and the lack of parking spaces is a big annoyance in Carroll Gardens, as it is everywhere in the city. On some of our neighborhood's narrower streets, there is an added problem. Below is an email from friend and reader Mary.

“How many side mirrors have been swiped off your car in recent years? In my case, two, in two years! It seems to be a big problem on Hoyt Street, but I can imagine it occurs on some of the other narrow streets like President between Smith and Hoyt. I’m assuming it’s wide trucks that shear the mirrors off and scratch your car at the same time. I believe there is a ban on trucks on Hoyt Street, but there is no enforcement. I could be wrong, but in any case, there ought to be because Hoyt is so narrow you almost bang into the car on the opposite side when you back into a parking spot.”

Mary is right. This must be happening everywhere in Carroll Gardens?
So lets hear it from other readers. How many side mirrors have you lost this year?

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ChickenUnderwear said...

2 words:

Fresh Direct

I think those guys forget they are driving trucks.

BestViewInBrooklyn said...

Actually, I have another set of two words:

Time Movers

They know they're driving trucks and delight in it.

The only time I had a problem with losing my mirror was when I lived in Carroll Gardens (mid-90s). Two neighbors left notes on my windshield telling me they'd happily serve as witnesses to the Time Mover truck versus parked Escort incident. I never did get my $87 back, but I got out some annoyance through mailing angry letters. And I met two really great neighbors that I wouldn't have otherwise.

Hey! I'm Living Here! said...

Are trucks not allowed on Hoyt st? I live on Hoyt st and hope this is true, perhaps we can get them to enforce the law. I think trucks are allowed on Hoyt st. Crazy speeding cars are a problem as well...