Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reader Comment Of The Day


Reader comment left on:

Gowanus Superfund: City And Elected Officials Spinning As Fast As They Can

Thank you Senator Montgomery and Jim Vogel.
For a moment I feared for Tom Gray's safety when he asked why the epa is now trying to "cram the superfund down our throats." It was clear that the majority of attendees welcome the epa's involvement.
I suppose that Squadron is huddling with the city to see if they will come up with a viable plan that he can spin and support. Since, according to Coswell Holloway, they won't have a finished plan prior to the close of the comment period it might be difficult to form an informed judgment. Daniel Squadron is turning out to be another political disappointment.
Another important point that was made last night is that the city is not improving the flushing tunnel out of any goodwill or concern for the community but rather because they are obligated to pursuant to a consent order.
I also applaud my neighbors for their well informed and cogent questions and for refusing to put up with any more BS.
And thank you to Joshua Verleun.

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1 comment:

Lisanne said...

Tom Gray is with DeBlasion no? Sorry Tom, the RESIDENTS of the area actually WELCOME the EPA. Can you imagine if developments got built and all this came out AFTERWARDS (despite the repeated concerns about health from the COMMUNITY?) They should be glad that the EPA is actually saving their reputation.