Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "A Brooklyn Blogger In France: Market Day In Ambert":
Katia, are you sure those people at the market did not mind your taking their picture? Maybe one of them is supposed to be on a diet and is not supposed to be around such rich and fatty temptations...the sausages, meats, cheeses..s/he might be found out!
I guess you might get into trouble with that camera of yours no matter where you go!!!!
I know, I know! I'll try to be careful.
So far, the French don't seem to mind!
Was anon trying to make a joke? ... no one is laughing
Hi Natty,
I am. I thought it was rather clever.
natty, are you living in the real world? Do you realize that you are on camera being filmed every time you enter a store? There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the neighborhood - even satellite. So if there is something you do not want anyone to see you doing, or if you are with someone you should not be with, then better be careful. Once you are out in public, the eyes of the world are upon you, and there can be no secrets!
All im saying is a wouldnt want my bussiness or what i do and who i did it with all over a website ... who the hell would?
i think anon isnt living in the "real world" .. real life isnt another repeat of gossip girl!
Human interest stories make the world go 'round. And putting a light to the people in my community, my neighborhood, is more real and interesting to me than all the "people" stories on the magazine and newspaper racks. And, honestly now, there is nothing sensational about what I see on Katia's blog. I can't believe the attempt to make something sordid out of nothing. This is the 21st century, and we are not living in some prudish village. This is wordly Brooklyn, after all!
Hey anon 7:28, unless natty is shoplifting or grabbing someones crotch why should he/she be so uptight about survellaince? Natty is merely explaining (and rightly so) that to be peeping katia is uncool in cg. You probably can't understand this since you must be a newbie. Have respect for your neighbors in the hood--capisce?
Oh anon i think your living to much in the 21st century ... please get some morals
Amen to the old way!!
"this is wordly brooklyn after all" - i have one word to say to that .... NEWBIE!!!!
What is this about "newbie" fishhead? I was born in cg.
I love this assumption that if someone doesn't think like you do, that person must be a newbie. And taking pictures of what goes on in the open is not "peeping".
So anon 7:28, basically what you are saying is once you go out in public everyones eyes are on you and thats how it should be? (correct any part if that is wrong) .... My question to you is are the "eyes of the world" on you in "public" restrooms as well?
Katia, maybe the best way to please everyone is to ask people after you take their picture. I bet 99 out of 100 times, they will be flattered that you want to put them on your blog. I know I would be. Maybe there are secrets in cg. For example, I was told once that I could not take pictures at the children's fair in the schoolyard because some of the parents may have separated and the other parent did not know where their child was. Sounds odd, I know - but I went with the flow.
4:50, natty, skinnylegs, and fishead - a little Googling and you find out a lot."...a person may be photographed in public without giving consent. Further, that person's image may be published or displayed without that person's consent, so long as the image does not appear in an advertisement." http://photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?topic_id=23&msg_id=001oT6
Thanks Anon,
I honestly am amazed at how much controversy my 'moment in time' photos have generated lately. I am only capturing a bit of life in Carroll Gardens. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sad, but true anon 7:28. I am a women who doesn't want abusive ex to know where I live. It would be nice to ask about a pic taken of me. And to the 'native', can't help in calling you a newbie, if you sound like one.
Amen fishead! ... thats what it is about you newbie/hipsters you have no meaning to what you say - you argue for the sake of arguing. A picture can say 1000 words - i understand it is not against the law to take someones picture out in public .. but its just the decency and respect of the other person to ask first. Why does everyone think this world is rainbows n sunshine? you never know a strangers past.
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