Stella left the comment below on the post Pardon Me, But..., regarding A Moment In Time: A Sweet Kiss:
Now that Katia is out to town, I can prance with my lover and kiss all I want!
And Felix added:
I think I might hit Smith Street with my mistresses as well .. the wife will never know ;)
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The fantasies that come alive when you leave town!!!!
I know,I know! I shouldn't leave you guys alone!
I absolutely LOVE when you post from France. It reminds me of my home in the Czech Republic...it's bittersweet to love two places isn't it?
Hi Eva,
Bittersweet, indeed. It is hard to leave one place for the other. But lucky, too.
Do you get a chance to go back to the Czech Republic?
anon 8:11, what fantasies? there is cheating going on in cg--that's why katia should be careful who she shoots! this IS nyc, not some little village.
stella, if my boyfriend was cheating on me, I would want to know! I figure anything being done in public is public. If you don't want to be found out, then you don't do it in public.
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