Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Terribly Sad Story Of A Baby In the Gowanus Canal...In 1903


Little Brooklynite Dorothy Moore in the early 1900's

(photo not related to the story)


This is what happened in our neighborhood on August 18th, 1903!

The story of a baby being thrown into the Gowanus Canal after having been strangled, breaks my heart, even 106 years after it happened.
Yet, it is part of the history of this neighborhood.
It is amazing what a glimpse into the past some of these old newspaper articles provide.


Anonymous said...

Sad to know that people threw away babies then too...
Guess things haven't really changed that much, eh?

Raised in Carroll Gardens said...

To Anon & Katia,

Yes, it's sad even 106 years later.

This baby could have been a young girl on Nov 11th 1918 and celebrated the end of WW1.
In 1944 she could have been the wife, and/or even the mother, of a solder fighting in WWII. She could have been a Grandmother standing with her many grandchildren along our Brooklyn Shores as the many boats sailed past them on July 4th 1976.
This baby could have grown to see many things and enjoyed many pleasures. But instead, during one misthought moment, her young life came to a tragic end.

One Hundred and six years later lets all share the knowledge that there are choices - some of which didn't exist then. As a desperate young girl can you can bring your "unwanted" new born to a Fire House, a Police Station, a Church or a hospital - - - with no questions asked, as long as you don't abandon the baby; as long as you hand it to an authorized person.