Anonymous has left the following comment on the post "After The Snow Comes..... THE SLUSH":
Found out today that rubber boots are not waterproof anymore. Wet socks suck. Am deciding whether duck tape will get them through this winter or if I'll need to buy a new pair this week. This is the cranky and slippery part of snow. But Christmas lights and snow are soooooooo pretty in our lovely neighborhood which makes all the hassles go away. Just spending time enjoying how beautiful everything is.
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Duct tape. Cause you use it to tape ducts.
Yeah, but I just googled it and there is a Duck Tape duct tape company.
My understanding is that it was first called duck tape, because it was waterproof, and was used during WWII to keep ammunition dry, then soldiers found all kinds of other useful things to do with it. After the war it was used in lots of US buildings, and was used to connect hvac systems, and the name changed to duct tape. So everyone is right, but I'm sticking with duck, cause I don't have feathers to keep me dry and warm. quack quack
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