Friday, March 12, 2010

Dog Owners Also Using Cobble Hill Park As A Dog Run


Back in January, I posted about dog owners who conveniently overlook the "No Dogs Allowed" signs in Carroll Park and let their dogs run off leash, to do their business where children play.

Obviously, this problem is not unique to our neighborhood park. The letter below comes from a Cobble Hill reader. It would seem that dog owners are just as oblivious to the 'no dog' rules in that neighborhood's park.

Read on.

Hi Katia,
I read your blog every day, and I especially appreciate the times you've pointed out the folks who unashamedly use Carroll Park as a dog run. As a Cobble Hill dog owner (and parent), these people give us a bad name and I wish there was something that could be done to enforce the rules so that everyone—dogs, kids, adults—all had access to safe, clean places to enjoy the outdoors in our neighborhood.

So I submit to you this picture I snapped this morning of some similar, apparently entitled, neighborhood folks using the only public patch of grass for blocks as a place for their pups to frolic, although it is clearly marked that dogs are not allowed. There are two dogs runs less than a mile away. I've also witnessed people letting their dogs use this part of the park to do their business, and the few times I pointed out what they were doing is inconsiderate and wrong, the most reaction I got was a blank stare, as if they couldn't comprehend the concept. Not only is it the only park for blocks, but people volunteer their time to maintain it.

I'm not trying to start a crusade, and you can do what you wish with the photo. Just wanted you to know that I'm as offended as you are when I see this kind of thing happening.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Couldn't agree more.
It really is very simple: if you have a dog, please be a responsible owner and take him to a dog run. May I suggest you check out to find the nearest one in your neighborhood?

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enufalready! said...

If you live in the city, and you have a dog, it is incumbent upon you to be informed about where you can go with that dog and all the other rules pertaining to dogs. I like dogs. They're innocent in this. But the dog owners are irresponsible, self righteous, and downright creeps. I wish the cops were more on top of this.

Anonymous said...

I realize you posted this several years back, but it's still a problem at Cobble Hill Park. There's a guy with a very large brindled pit mix who lets it run free all over the park on a regular basis and has no voice control. This can in turn make dogs that are on leases go nuts, and create a potentially dangerous situation. People with dogs off leash need to realize the issues it can create, even if they believe their dogs to be non-aggressive. The police do little to enforce this, it seems.