Sunday, March 07, 2010

Unusual Warm And Sunny Week-End Brings Carroll Gardeners Out To Play


Spring In Carroll Gardens

An unusually warm March week-end brought everyone in Carroll Gardens out to play.
Carroll Park had never seen so many of the very young, the very old, (and those in between) all gathered to enjoy the sunshine.

Spring In Carroll Gardens

Naturally, the ice-cream truck showed up as if on cue.
Cone or cup?
Vanilla or Chocolate?
Do you want sprinkles on that?


Some played hockey.

Spring In Carroll Gardens

Others played basketball.

Spring In Carroll Gardens

The elderly Italian bocce players enjoyed the sun's warmth,
but had not resumed their game yet.

Spring In Carroll Gardens

Little artists were busily creating ephemeral oeuvres.

Spring In Carroll Gardens

Furry friends seemed delighted by it all as well.

Spring In Carroll Gardens

Some residents watched it all from above.

In the meantime,

across the Gowanus Canal,
on the Park Slope side,


more families had gathered in front of the old Stone House.


Running round and round in circles
seemed to be a particularly popular activity.


Long lines had formed for ices at Uncle Louie G's.


And what about on the newly "Superfunded" Gowanus Canal?


A film crew was filming


What, I don't know!

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