Yet another side-effect of unplowed streets. Blood donors were prevented from reaching their local New York City Blood Center. Quite a few emergency blood drives also had to be cancelled, leading to a shortage of blood here in the city. So, please, if you can, make and appointment now and help. Below is a press release from Public Advocate Bill De Blasio's office on the shortage.
This won't be the only storm that hits New York City this winter. Public Advocate de Blasio has begun an inquiry into the City's response to determine if improvements must be made--and feedback from people like you is essential to that effort. Hundreds of New Yorkers have already reached out to the Public Advocate regarding unplowed streets and abandoned vehicles that are blocking snow removal. After reporting such conditions to 311, we encourage you to call the Public Advocate Hotline at 212-669-7250 or file a report online at http://www.advocate.nyc.gov/roadconditions.
Thank you,
Wiley Norvell
Press Secretary
Office of the Public Advocate
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