Monday, December 20, 2010

For That Extra "Wow Factor" Attach This "Made In Brooklyn" Label


So you finally found those perfect hand-made gifts made by local Brooklyn artisans at one of the many Holiday markets around Brooklyn. You are ready to gift wrap them and ship them off to the family in Des Moines. But wait! Before you do, you may want to attach this super cool 'Made In Brooklyn' label, designed by Tobias 'Lunchbreath.'
He suggests:
"Use this convenient gimmick to spice up your christmas presents. Your Midwestern relatives will be instantly intimidated by it's beardiness."

Well, I don't have any family in the Midwest, but I bet my relatives in Europe will be mighty impressed.

To see more of Lunchbreath's very entertaining work, click here.


1 comment:

concetta said...

Are you serious? Wait till I tell 'die hipster'.