Monday, May 21, 2012

In PMFA's Mailbox: Man's Best Friend?

The note below just landed in my mailbox.
Hi Katia, 
I'm so curious to know if you, or your readers, have seen the man who sits outside of Union Market (on Court St) in the evenings with his large white dog...oh yeah, with the dog sitting upright on his lap facing him. With paws up on the man's shoulders. It is so bizarre, and every time I see their 'coupling' I am speechless, as are every other passerby who often pause and take photos and shake their heads in confusion! The man doesn't seem to mind the attention, but he also doesn't explain this 'unique' choice of sitting. It's just so...odd. And a bit disturbing?! Anyway, just wanted to know what people thought about this. I love my pets, but don't think I'd enjoy embracing them in a, um, 'adult-like' fashion...
I haven't seen this man and his dog myself.  Have you?


Anonymous said...

Yes!Saw him friday evening. At first I thought he was just goofing around with his dog. But he looked serious and the dog was perched on his lap facing him like it was his girlfriend. They didn't move from that position the entire time I was shopping. It was really weird. People were sneaking pictures of it. I asked the cashier if she saw what was going on outside and she said he's there all the time and they've had people comment that it's borderline obscene! She was just as confused by it as all the shoppers were.

Rockstar said...

I've seen it too. It's rather odd.

Mom said...

now i'm dying to see them too! when's the best time for a sighting??

Anonymous said...

I've seen him a bunch of times, too, and it is a sight to be seen, if you like incredibly strange sights! It's not just that they love each other, but more like they are in love with each other...hence the weirdness. I usually see him when I go to Union Market on Friday evenings, around 8? If he's there, it's usually in the dusk/evening hours.