
Monday, November 19, 2012

State Senator Velmanette Montgomery Requests Investigation Into Gowanus Canal Contamination Post-Hurricane Sandy

11-12-2012 Letter to DEC requesting toxicity study of Gowanus post Sandy copy

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In a move that will surely be applauded by Gowanus residents and business owners, State Senator Velmanette Montgomery is urgently requesting the New York State's Department Of Environmental Conservation to perform a complete investigation of the lands on either side of the heavily polluted canal post-Hurricane Sandy
In a just released letter to NYS DEC's Commissioner Joe Martens,  Senator Montgomery cites the sewage and the toxin-laced waters that flooded into homes and businesses and asks that potential hazards be assessed.
In particular, she mentions the Lightstone Development Corporations' site on Bond Street along the canal that was under several feet of water.
"Given the now likely contamination of the site my concern has sharply escalated and I feel a new EIS  [environmental impact study] is absolutely required," Montgomery writes.

Thank you, Senator Montgomery for your continuing support of the Gowanus Community and for taking a stand for the safety of your constituents (and future constituents) in this water front community.


  1. The Senator should focus on helping the low income Red Hook residents of her district instead of wasting time on a future Gowanus Development, that's scheduled to be cleaned and will satisfy even EPA standards.

    Her constituents need her! Thousands of Red Hook residents were flooded with the same contaminated water ... possibly even more contaminated due to Lower Manhattan blackout and she does nothing to help them!

  2. Ethan Geto, that's you, isn't it, at 3:33?

  3. Brava, Senator Montgomery! And THANK YOU!

  4. this will be interesting...

  5. This is Jim Vogel from Senator Montgomery's office. Thank you for posting this article, Katia. As a result of the letter the DEC will be participating in a public briefing to the Gowanus district this coming Monday evening, November 26, 6:30 PM at PS 32.

    And as for whoever the sadly misinformed "Anonymous" was in the first comment, please feel free to come to our office or any of our meetings so you can get specific and FACE TO FACE so we can directly address your concerns. I can assure you, no office works harder for the benefit of the constituents. But you have to work with us by communicating with us and not just anonymously posting attacks in blogs.

  6. Thank you and welcome back Senator Montgomery. We've missed you.
