
Monday, November 19, 2012

"The Disney World Of Pollution:" With John Lipscomb Of Riverkeeper On The Gowanus Canal After Sandy And Nor'Easter


Take a few minutes to watch this great video produced by Amy Pearl for WNYC Radio.
It features John Lipscomb of Riverkeeper. Lipscomb manages the water quality sampling program for the clean-water advocacy group and was one of the first people back on the heavily polluted Gowanus Canal with his boat  after hurricane Sandy and again, after the Nor'Easter a week later.
The results of these tests  revealed extremely high levels of bacteria in the waters of the Gowanus after the storms.  They also revealed that raw sewage discharges from Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) continued to pollute the Gowanus even after the rains stopped.
"These CSOs are not permitted to discharge in dry weather." Lipscomb explains in the video.
Talking about the effects of the storm surge in and around the Gowanus, he reflects: "Part of the horror was from the Gowanus, part of the horror was from the sanitary sewer system, and part of the horror was from whatever was the ambient stuff."  He concludes: "It was like a war during that storm.  You don't recover from a war instantly."

1 comment:

  1. Grateful this Thanksgiving week that the Riverkeepers have been there for us with some perspective on this waterway.

    A lot of work needs to be done to make this water habitable for both sea creatures and any humans near it's banks.

    So why are perspective developers not seeing that they too need to participate in the big picture? Why do the developers take such an isolationist perspective--claiming to "fix" their site while taking a blind-eye to the regional problems this body of water faces?
