Tuesday, January 01, 2013

At Noon Today, Fire Broke Out In Brownstone On Clinton Street At DeGraw Street

A friend and reader just sent me the photo above taken at around noon today on Clinton Street at the corner of De Graw Street.  Firemen were responding to a fire in a brownstone. " It looked like it was a furnace fire"  wrote the friend.
Does anyone have any more details?


Anonymous said...

This was a boiler malfunction that resulted in a LOT of black smoke, but no fire and very little damage to the home. Thank goodness! The odd thing about it is that the smoke was spotted the night before, on New Year's Eve, and the fire department came but turned off the WRONG furnace. Not only leaving an entire building without heat for the night, but allowing the real boiler at risk to continue as-is for another 12+ hours. The homeowners were traveling and incredibly lucky that their home didn't sustain massive damage.

Katia said...

Thanks for the information. Glad everything worked out and that there was no fire.