According to an illustration on a sign hung on the fence surrounding the lot, the homes will have stoops and cornices.
There is no mention of the projects on the firm's web site yet and there isi no indication whether these will be one family homes or if hey will be divided into 4 units each.
What do you think of the design?
Not bad. It looks a little more like the brownstones you see in Park Slope but for the most part they're trying to be contextual with the area.
That's also not the only new houses going up, there's to be some more single family houses going up on Pacific between Hoyt and Smith.
They could improve the design greatly by simply removing the window grilles.
The could improve the design greatly by simply removing the window grilles
So where does the mail for 451A go? Agree that they need better windows, but the brick is the wrong color too.
Could be worse. "another luxury" for whom? Poor Degraw street. Those aren't grilles, they are an attempt at being retro. Those are fake 6 over six casement windows. Leaded panes. But fake. like warehouse windows.
Pacific St says with garages.
I thought they made it much more difficult to get curb cuts.
Hope they are built without garage.
I'm sure the rendering isn't exact in color. Maybe it will change over all.
The design is vomit, as nearly all ersatz 'vintage' architecture is. Some type of inspired modernism would be better but it might not pull in the idiotic 'luxury' suckers quite so easily.
I'm surprised so many people don't dig (or appreciate the attempt of) the design - I think it's way better than the glass boxes that have been going up the past 5 years. Glad to see some townhouses with a little more character rather than the mammoth yuppie projects that have been raised everywhere.
was this block affected by Hurricane Sandy If it was I would run.
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