Construction has moved ahead swiftly in recent months and the 20,000-square-foot greenhouse, the "nation’s first commercial scale greenhouse farm integrated within a retail grocery space," is currently going up.
The greenhouse has been designed, built and will be operated by Gotham Greens, in partnership with Whole Foods. The rooftop greenhouses will apparently be fully operational when the organic market opens later this year. Gotham Green intends to grow premium quality, pesticide-free produce on the rooftop all year round, which will "create a variety of green collar jobs and economic development opportunities in the Brooklyn area."
According to Whole Foods Market's web site:
"The specially designed rooftop farm will include advanced irrigation systems that use up to 20 times less water than conventional farming as well as enhanced glazing materials and electrical equipment to reduce overall energy demand. Based on the farm’s proximity to Whole Foods Market stores in New York City, the project will eliminate long distance food transport and its associated emissions, while ensuring product freshness, quality and nutrition for thousands of customers in the area."In related news, the public access area of the Whole Foods Gowanus is also being worked on. Wooden benches have already been delivered and assembled on site.
Still Toxic Foods.
I hate that this was zoned to have a huge parking lot. Gowanus has so much potential, but with car-centric zoning - it's going to continue to be a pedestrian wasteland.
This all sounds great to me; I don't see Met Food doing this. I pass by on my bike often and they are making good progress, they should have no problem opening by the end of the year. I know that there will be lots of people who will be writing here and calling WF all kinds of ridiculous names and equating them with the devil. but this place is looking good, and they are living up to their agreements. I can't wait till they open, this is the best thing to happen to the Gowanus community in decades, period.
the coignant building really needs to be demolished. after all these years if no one re habbed it, just raze it and call it a day.
it is an eyesore
People will complain about nything that has to so with this site. Wole Foods is looking great, at least they are putting benches in and putting some work in to their parking lot. There are a lot of people walking between Carroll Gardens and Park Slope / Gowanus. Where was the outrage when Lowes and Pathmark put in giant parking lots? Oh right, there was none.
This will be fun when the EPA starts dredging the Canal. Have fun with the smell and whatever horrors that are unleashed.
I think the Lowes and Pathmark parking lots are just as bad as this one. I have no problem with a Whole Foods going in Gowanus - it makes a lot of sense given the demographics of the surrounding neighborhoods. I just hate the pedestrian unfriendly parking lot aspect to this and every other big box store in the area.
i am all for whole foods in gownus. viva whole foods!!! even though you have a global warming denier union busting right-wing nut for a ceo, you are going to provide jobs for a lot of folks like me. the benefits outweigh the costs people, so out with your tired toxic sludge arguments!
but they DO need to do something with that gigantic parking lot. they do not need it as the surrounding communities aren't designed to be car centric like the suburbs. instead of a parking lot, trees would be nice and a lot of bike racks.
I am so tired of people complaining about parking lots. Although biking in the area has been on the uptick, there are still many of us who have cars and need to use them especially when we shop for groceries for our families. Since parking on the street can be a headache and a huge time suck, I am thankful for stores like Pathmark, Key Food and Lowes that allow me to get my errands done without spending 30 minutes looking for a parking spot. And FYI, it looks like a new traffic light is being installed at the entrance/exit of the Whole Foods parking lot which should appease both drivers and pedestrians.
I'm on 3rd ave and 8th street so I'll be buying a little push cart and walking. Roof top bar? Even better. People who complain about the canal, whole foods, parking lot... Hush. Haters gonna hate.
Extremely happy with this news. I'd will be checking this place out and ordering a few brews while getting my hipster on. I agree with the last commenter. Haters will always hate, it's sad. Gowanus is going to be an amazing place in due time. In fact it's already pretty unique and I'm actually worried it'll be come too popular. Loving it for what it is now.
The greenroof is just a big PR ploy to make you accept the huge corporate landing on the canal. Just check out the new huge drain pipe that empties into the canal
underneath the parking lot.So much for Green sewer that deposits in to the Gowanus canal. A gift brought to you by Mr Green Bloomberg. The signal light is on now and the traffic is already backed up to 4th ave and over the bridge to Bond st already and the store is not even open. Hipsters you are very blind to the world! Me generation perfect corporate consumers.....
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