Monday, December 09, 2013

Seen In Gowanus: "We Trust…"

(photo credit: Steven Miller)

"We Trust…"

Written on the side of a truck standing on the heavily pollute former Brooklyn Union Gas Citizens Manufacting Gas Plant site along the polluted Gowanus Canal.  The photo was taken by Carroll Gardens resident and friend Steven Miller, who choses to complete the phrase in a hopeful way:

"We Trust EPA."


Anonymous said...

It is well documented that our EPA lied to us and said air was safe to breathe after 9/11

Are different people running the EPA now? Where do they live?

Katia said...

I can only talk about my own experience as a member of the EPA Gowanus Superfund Community Advisory Group.
The members of EPA Region 2 have raised the bar as far as community involvement and responsiveness.
I wish other agencies were this impressive.