Monies raised will benefit the parish, the Knights' scholarship fund and local charities.
According to Derek, one of the organizers, "the Night at the Races is a lot of fun and its been going on in the neighborhood for a number of years. We have wooden horses that we move along a track and everyone can place bets on the horses. There's also food and drinks at prices that haven't changed since the 80s."
This sounds like a lot of fun. So mark your calendar and help keep this neighborhood tradition alive while helping to fundraise for good causes.
The event will be hosted at the church's Cabrini Hall located at 125 Summit Street
Admission is free.
Is this even legal? And betting inside a church? I'm sure Jesus would be very proud...
How about a bakesale instead?
@ 11:19 AM: and you wonder why the local Carroll Gardens residents can't stand the new people to the area.
Lighten up and try being part of the community instead of judging. Organize a bake sale.
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