Monday, April 09, 2018

A Fond Farewell To Bob Burke, "The Lucky Irishman" Of Fourth Place In Carroll Gardens

 John Burke being honored at a Veterans Day ceremony in Carroll Park in 2013
 In his front garden on 4th Place between Court and Clinton Streets in 2011
 "Margie's Heart" which Bob planted to remember his wife every spring
Bob Burke and his daughter Marcie (with Petey, the dog)

With great sadness, I learned about the passing of one of Carroll Gardens longest residents.
John "Bob" Burke passed away at the age of 97 on March 31st, leaving a huge void in our neighborhood.

I was first introduced to Bob in 2011 by his daughters Alicia and Marcie.  Alicia had reached out to PMFA to tell me about her father's special garden on 4th Place between Court Street and Clinton Street.  She wrote: "My Dad, Bob Burke, has been delighting the area with his garden for more that 25 years. He plants what he calls "Margie's Heart" and young and old stop to admire it. He loves to remember my Mother but also creates this scene to reach out to his neighbors."
I immediately stopped by his home to admire his heart of marigold which he had just finished planting that year. He was a lovely man, who delighted me with stories of his life.

Bob had lived on 4th Place since 1930. He arrived in this country from Ireland when he was just a child and first lived in Carroll Gardens with his aunt. He remembered a simpler time in the neighborhood. "I played fist ball on the street. You were lucky if there were three cars on the block."
As a young man he spent three years in the National Guard. He saw action at Guadalcanal and in the Philippines. In between, he spent 2 months in New Zealand. "Those two months there were beautiful." he told me.
When he came back to Carroll Gardens, he never left again. It was obvious that he loved his neighborhood, his home and his family. "I am a lucky Irishman." he told me with a twinkle in his eye.

In 2013, Bob was honored for his valiant service to the country at a Veterans Day ceremony in Carroll Park.

My heartfelt condolence to Alicia and Marcie and the entire Burke family.  
Bob, his smile, and his lovely flower heart will be very much missed here in Carroll Gardens.


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful man with a heart of gold. Good friend to my family.

Emily said...

So sad to hear of his passing--we have friends on Bob's block and every Spring I admired his heart of flowers--it was so sweet and very charming! This is a great loss to our community. I send condolences to his family.

Teri said...

I will miss this beautiful man so much. I am grateful to have known him and will remember him fondly always. 💔

Unknown said...

Bob was a kind and lovely man. He never failed to make one smile. Rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

When people walked by his place, Mr. Burke would often yell, "Happy Holiday!" I would think to myself, "It's not a holiday, but if Mr. Burke says so, then I guess today is special!" Thanks for making every day special Mr. Burke.

Andrea M said...

I am privledged to know Bob for my entire life. Grateful to be blessed as his next door neighbor, I’ll always cherish my daily encounters with him. Whether he was sitting in his gate, sharing stories about his younger self or speaking of the love of his life Margie, his loving and genourous nature blessed every single person who crossed his path. I’ll miss hearing his voice, but I know his spirit will forever bless those of us on 4th Place. The world is a different place in his absence. Until we meet again my dear friend, Xo ♥️

Unknown said...

I'm so sad to hear of Bob's passing! I loved the heart-shaped garden and will sorely miss hearing his booming voice yell out, "Hey hey! It's a beautiful day!" My thoughts are with his family.

Katia said...

Lovely comments, all. So nice to know that Bob had such a wonderful impact on the neighborhood and his neighbors,

Yim said...

Thank you for sharing, I always admired the heart of flowers and didn’t know the reason or person behind it, even after being in CG for close to 10 years. The flowers are such a wonderful addition to this beautiful neighborhood. Condolences to the family.

neil said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. We have lived around the corner for only a couple of years, but I always got a hearty hello on my frequent trips to Mazzone's. I've stopped and chatted with him a number of times and will miss him. My condolences to his family.

Anonymous said...

You may want to meet my downstairs 90yo neighbor who is a WWII vet (soon to be 91yo). The nicest man ever. He has been living in my building for 86 of his 90 years and in CG his entire life.

My other neighbor is 87yo and was born in the actual apartment (not a hospital) that he still lives in today.

Peter said...

I loved saying hello to him as I dropped my child off at the day care next door. He was always so cheerful and welcoming, a great example for us all. Thank you for sharing his remarkable story.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace, Bob! It has been four years since I moved away from 4th Place, and I didn't know you personally but will always remember being met with your friendly hellos while you took in the sun whenever I walked past your building. You must have brightened many a person's day with that cheerful demeanor. I know you did mine.