Photo Credit: Christine Toes
There was quite a bit of excitement in Carroll Gardens today. This afternoon, at around 2:20pm, PMFA received a report that quite a number of police cars, marked and unmarked, had converged on the F train station at Second Place. After screeching to a halt and blocking Second Place, the officers apparently ran into the station, leaving many passers-by to wonder what had happened.
Apparently, the officers of the 76th Precinct were responding to an unruly passenger on the train.
Carroll Gardener and friend Christine Toes happened to be in the station and posted about the incident on Facebook.
"Apparently, a woman was causing a problem on the F train and police tried to escort her and her friend off the train, but she would not leave." Christine wrote. "For about ten+ minutes, the train sat in the station. Finally, they got her off of the train, but at that point, she was yelling profanities at them. More and more police started showing up while I was now waiting 15 minutes for my train. And this is what it ended up looking like. Like 25 cops."
Christine did not stay to see the officers getting the woman out of the station.
The response seems a bit over the top, doesn't it? Where you there? What do you think?
Its never OK to second guess why the police do or did what was reported.....unless you were there when the action happened. There are always circumstances that will dictate how a situation is addressed. Sometimes it can be resolved the easy way, other times necessary physical force must be used. Do not think for even a mili-second that physical response actions are haphazzard because they are not.
It is over the top. Twenty five cops for one person? This is the same police force that said it was perfectly fine to tackle James Blake as he stood outside his hotel on his phone.
Such a large police response of 25 officers would indicate that a request was made over the police radio for additional personnel including supervisors. You can legally obtain a copy of said transmission by a request to the NYPD Public Affairs Division. I believe John Miller is man in charge. By listening to the audio will confirm such a request was made.
I saw the "women" being escorted up out of
the station and the huge police presence. They were girls, about 12-14 years old. I was very disturbed by what I saw as an unnecessary
Police response. The girls were black.
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