Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Long Time Court Street Realtor Relocating To Smith Street

Old Court Street Location at 317 Court Street



296 Smith Street

Realtor Angela Vita has operated two offices in Carroll Gardens for a few years now, the main one at 317 Court Street and a smaller annex just a block away at 296 Smith Street. As a sign that was taped to the window at the Court Street location indicates, Vita Realty is now relocating into the much smaller space on Smith Street. Another realtor is taking over the Court Street office. (Francis and Amy are staying at the location.)

Angela has been selling and renting real estate in the area for over 22 years and has been a very active, committed community member. She impressed me in 2007 when she posted the following comment on out-of-scale developments in Carroll Gardens on her web site:
"It is heartening to note that the residents in the community are taking exception to the indiscriminate designs of the condo buildings. They are being built too high and they have no 'link' to the communities. Several groups have made a concerted effort to be heard not only by city officials but by developer company owners and their architects. This could be the start of stopping Brooklyn from being a second Manhattan. Hopefully, this trend will continue..."

Does anyone know which realtor is taking the Court Street location?

Just found out the real reason for the relocation.
click here:

Related Reading:



Anonymous said...

Amy and Fran talked the landlord into having Angela evicted while she was out recovering from an illness. that's the thanks you get from your agents in time of need!

Anonymous said...

Angela Vita has been a respected resident and business owner in the neighborhood for over 25 years. The landlord will regret loosing her as a tenant and these agents are a disgrace to the real estate industry.