Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't You Dare Park Here!


No, no, no,
don't you dare

See, I posted it three times
once on the left,
once on the right,
once in the middle.

For you idiots out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they should put a "tow away" sign on the garage door to make sure that no one parks there. that's what they do here in germany. we have one on our parking spot. yay! for that.

the previous tenant who used to live in our apt put the "tow-away" sign on the parking spot, because people who visits the architect's office in our building parks on that spot, or if they need to go to HL (it's REWE now). after he left, we inherited the apt and the parking spot. glad he did that.

because our hausmeister is so nice, we allow him to park there when he needs to work on something, during work hours. but he's also very considerate that he makes sure he leaves before 17:00. if he's going to be there longer than that - he pulls out and parks on the street. that happens very rarely, anyway.

after all that, HAPPY EASTER!