Raised in Carroll Gardens has left the following comment on the post "Will Bill And Brad Attend Hannah Senesh's 'Brief' Meeting About The Expansion Into Publicly Owned Land":
There were "smoke filled room" negotiations that allowed the property to be sold to them in the 1st place. Now they want to use the remaining "Public Land" for their own private use.
They already caused disruption during building, angered neighbors with their refuse and then alloted themselves a private parking lot.
First, if they want to use the land without access to the community they should be required to pay the millon plus that it's worth - then let them park their cars.
Then if they wanted to use it as an outdoor school yard (like other neighborhood schools) they could feel free.
Until then - open that land to the public with a Garden!
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That's silly. Regardless of what ends up happening to this particular garden, ALL the gardens (or courtyards, front yards, or whatever one wants to call them) are owned by the city. Should they all be opened to the public, or just this one?
I think some of your neighbors might chase you off the "public" land they currently monopolize if you were to set up a picnic lunch.
LOL You're right. Allow me to re-phrase.
What I should have written instead of 'open to the public' was "Visually Open" and "Kept Green for the Public to View and Enjoy."
Frankly, although it's unfair that they're already using it as a private Parking Lot, I'd rather see bare concrete than stare at the wall of another building. Just picture a new 2, 3 or 4 story building coming out as far as that fence or property line.
Meanwhile, I pormise no to picnic on your lawn. :-)
What if the school agreed to compromise, and built 4 stories of green concrete (with no parking)? And no orange stucco at all?
The Orange color of the Legal Walls doesn't bother me the way it seems to bother others.
However, instead of trying to bypass the law, why can't they do what PS 58 did on thier side of the "Place Street"... Trees, grass, flowers.
If the city itself isn't bypassing its own city law by, getting a varience to build a MUCH needed Public School Extension, then why should a Private School be granted one?
But as a compromise: Let them keep the Private Parking Lot - but make them plant trees between each "car spot" and/or use planters along the fence/property line and they could drive up to the Flower Box.
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