The shelves inside Winn Discount at 299 Court Street, the usually cluttered variety store, look rather sparse since every item in the store has been reduced by 50% during a remodeling sale. Afraid that the business was closing for good, I asked the owner if the store was indeed just getting a make-over. He assured me that the sale was just a way of getting rid of extra stock and that he was making room for some popular items and new lines.
I hope so. I love Winn Discount and its eclectic collection of merchandise. I would hate if it turned into just another Rite Aid or CVS.
How about you, dear reader?
Just as an aside: About twenty years ago, Mastellone, the deli next door at 303 Court Street, included the space now occupied by Winn's. Back then, Mastellone's was more of a supermarket.
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I'm a huge Winn fan. I live in the Heights now and don't get there very often, but when I lived in CG I would shop there a few times a week. I hope it doesn't get too fancy/generic! I love the clutter, and I love that the friendly, helpful staff knows exactly what they have in stock and where everything is.
They do have everything (down to pingpong balls we needed in an "emergency"), but we call it Winn Notso Discount. Not cheap at all.
I LOVE the Winn!! Please do not change. It's one of about three places left where I still get the (old school cg) feeling!
Great. I just wish they'd stop distrubuting those annoying flyers which inevitably litter our streets.
I have been in the neighborhood for over 20 years and never purchased anything at Winn that was discounted. They are nice, accomodating but not cheap. When you don't have time to go someplace else, go to Winn Discount and pay more. WINN BUT'MORE
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