Friday, January 22, 2010

Picture Of The Day: Crescent Moon Over Carroll Park


It was already late
as the blogger emerged from the train
at President Street.
It was a crystal clear night
and a crescent moon could be seen
through the trees of Carroll Park.

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Anonymous said...

It was a lovely crescent moo. moom. moon.

Anonymous said...

My daughter Katie 6 and I actually had a slice of pizza around 6:30pm in the park and she spotted the moon.
Although cold we talked about
"isnt it nice" and we came up with
Isnt it nice theres no mosquitos, no screaming kids, no pigeons just a nice quiet quirky meal and the park to ourselves.

Kelly said...

That sounds like the best kind of dinner.
Yes, the moon was just amazing and it was such a clear, clear night. Too bad we can't see the stars above here in the city. i miss that.