Thursday, February 11, 2010

Best Time To Shop At Trader Joe's On Court Street? The Day AFTER A Blizzard

I couldn't believe it. After weeks of long lines snaking around all the way back to the vegetable aisles at the Court Street Trader Joe's in Brooklyn, the almost deserted store on Thursday morning at around 11 AM took me rather by surprise.
The place was practically deserted. What was even better was that the shelves were fully stocked.
I was in and out of there in record time.
Had people stocked up so well before Wednesday's blizzard and therefore did not need to go shopping for groceries?
I will have to remember to shop here the day AFTER a major snow storm.
Oh, and one more thing!

This is a little reminder to you guys out there. Now you can buy your sweetheart a dozen roses at Trader Joe's for Valentines. A dozen long stemmed red roses for under $20? You certainly have no more excuse to come home empty handed on February 14th! Just thought I would let you know, dear Reader.


lad1818 said...

Is your Trader Joe's a madhouse like the one in Union Square? It's so manic - the ones in California are very mellow by comparison.

The parking lots? That's another story.

Kelly said...

It certainly is a madhouse on week-ends and at night.
And even during the week days, there are looong lines

concetta said...

only a newbie would stand on a loooong line for tj's.

Matthew said...

Also, security was evidently a little lax. They are very hyper about photography in there. I spoke admiringly of the wonderful old bank details to a cashier there one day and expressed my interest in bring my camera back, and he said, watch out, they don't allow that. I did it anyway, on the down low. Another time I saw several obvious tourists being told there was no photography allowed.

Speaking of corporate dictatorships, find out where those roses come from before you buy. Most roses this time of year come from Central American factory farms which treat their workers horribly and use massive amounts of toxic pesticides. There's absolutely no romance there.

Sylvie Morgan Brown said...

It goes fast! I've timed it.

Dolores said...

It's funny about how they're concerned about security--what security? I've read about alot of pockets/purses being picked! Watch out people!

natty said...

Katia i know where mr katia got your valentines day present from ;)