Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another Sure Sign Of Spring In the Neighborhood: Gowanus Nursery Opens This Week-End

Gowanus Logo

Can't wait! The Gowanus Nursery is opening this Saturday, March 20th. I can imagine that the day has been eagerly anticipated by fellow gardeners like me. Just in the last two days, I have been outside working in the front garden, clearing away the dead leaves from last fall and pruning my roses. Oh, and it felt so great.
Unfortunately, the long and harsh winter has done a number on some of my plants. One of my hardiest lavender bushes is dead and I had to dig it out.
So, I will certainly need to fill in some empty spaces here and there. Which, of course, is why I am so excited that the Gowanus Nursery is back for the season.

How about you, fellow gardener? Did you lose many plants in your garden during that last big snow storm?

45 Summit Street
718 852 3116

For Home Page, click Pardon Me For Asking

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