Monday, May 03, 2010

Carroll Gardens/ Gowanus Neighborhood Activists Honored At Transit Garden


I would like to thank Jim and Vicky Devor, as well as Martin Rowe and the wonderful volunteers of the Transit Garden, for honoring the dedicated Carroll Gardens/Gowanus activists who work so tirelessly to protect the neighborhood.
In the last few years, these members of the community have achieved the contextual re-zoning of Carroll Gardens, the protection of the unique Carroll Gardens courtyards and fought Mayor Bloomberg on the Superfund designation for the Gowanus Canal...and won.

The honorees in attendance were:
John Hatheway,
Gary Reilly
Rita Miller
Lucy DeCarlo
Triada Samaras
Elisabeth Lind
Glenn Kelly
Vince Joseph
Maryann Young
Bette Stoltz
Jackie Raque
Laura Edidin
Marlene Donnelly
and, humbly, Ms. Pardon Me

In return, I would like to express my appreciation for the hard work by the members of the Transit Garden. They have turned the corner of Smith Street and Second Place into a wonderful green oasis and by doing so, have shown the true spirit of this great neighborhood.

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Margaret said...

Congratulations, all! I love the clip and pics. Very sweet.

just an observation said...

Thats great but none of these people actually live in the Gowanus...oh ok one does...honoring thyselfs.