Even in the hot sun,
this little vine,
growing on a brownstone fence,
looked lush and happy,
its delicate little red flowers
in full bloom.
(Does anyone know what it is called?)
Posted by
9:57 AM
Labels: picture of the day
That doesn't even look real!
(Obviously I don't know the answer.)
I agree, Laura. The leaves look really unusual, like little pine tree branches, except more delicate, of course.
I want to plant one in my garden, if I can find it.
It's Cardinal Climber. (Ipomoea Multifida.)
Almost as easy...and invasive...as wild morning glory.
The seeds are poisonous if ingested.
If you remember where this is planted you can go back and gather the seeds as they are numerous and easy to shake off into your hand when the pods dry.
The vine in this image is cypress vine. It's in the morning glory family so it's annual. You can find a couple of places that sell seeds for these on Davesgarden.com (http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/93/), but it's usually harder to find seedlings or plants. Gowanus Nursery often has started plants for sale in July/August. Another similar vine, also in the morning glory family, is cardinal creeper which has roughly the same flowers but larger leaves that are lobed like a palm -- one of the regular plant vendors at the Union Sq greenmarket (Wed and Fri, maybe other days too) was selling cardinal creeper earlier this season. Whichever you get, they are easy and charming, and as they are red, they attract the sole hummingbird species that is found in the Northeast during the spring and fall migration.
It's a Cypress Vine (aka Star Glory, Hummingbird Vine) - they can be invasive but our winters may keep them in check.
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