And Assemblywoman Joan Millman just released her statement regarding LICH's possible closing.
Assemblywoman Millman Statement RegardingFuture of Long Island College HospitalThe news that Long Island College Hospital (LICH) might be forced to close its doors has caused an outpouring of support from across the borough. Currently all of the elected officialsare working together to convey to the state the importance of the HEAL grants for the future ofLICH and SUNY Downstate. I call upon the Governor to expedite the release of this money.I join all of my colleagues in government to ensure that LICH remains a vital part of ourcommunity.
Neighborhood To Lose LICH After All?
Councilman Brad Lander Issues Statement On LICH's Potential Closing
Let's fight for this great local hospital !!!
This hospital is actually the worst! I have had two emergencies as a 15 plus year resident of the neighborhood. Both times I had to leave to be treated elsewhere. The second time, they missed an important fact that could have cost me my life.
On one occassion an emergency room tech/asst/student drew a patients blood , left it on the table, unlabeled, and went on her break. Another employee came in a half hour later and asked the other patient and me "Is this blood yours?"
Sorry for your stories
But I was born and raised here, and I and my family had numerous GOOD stories about this hospital!
So please don't make your 2 examples an argument to make it overall "the worst hospital", that's sound to me just a pretty lazy short cut.
so what will it become? Torn down for a luxury highrise? Can they do that? Is it in the historic landmarked area?
Why dont those mommies in Brooklyn Heights and DUMBO turn it into the school they so want in the area instaed of wedging one inside the Broooklyn Bridge park or whatever "they" keep claiming to do. Sad to loose a hospital ER so close but, it would make a great complex of schools for those crybabies in the DUMBO.
Yes, the ER there is a bit crazy but they did get my raging UTI under control/ Even though I did go to another ER the next night for pain. Both failed me in terms of cure, which there is none.
So, comment #2, what did they MISS that you should have KNOWN and pointed out to them? Like alergic to penicillin? or diabetes?
I think that before the Govenor release ANY money for LICH, he should demand a change in management. The hospital is so poorly run, any funds given will just be tax payers money down the drain!
Lazy short cuts...maybe on the part of LICH. I am aware of many horror stories through friends and neighbors, and my family and I have made a choice to avoid any doctors affiliated with LICH for that very reason. In 1983 I was treated in the emergency room after being hit by a red-light runner on Hoyt/Livingston Streets...concussion and serious contusions, nearly passed out when they made me stand up from the gurney, and they RELEASED me to go home. When I went to see my own doctor, he was livid that I had been released in such condition. LICH does not have a very good reputation, and this is has been going on for decades.
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