Just got the message below from Nate, who spotted a green bird in his back yard area. He writes:
I live on Carroll St. near Smith and have recently noticed a single small parrot or tropical bird has been spending time in and around my backyard [the collective block backyard bounded by Carroll, Smith, President, and Hoyt]. I've only recently noticed it and was wondering if someone in the area might be looking for their lost pet. The bird, I believe, is mostly green, with a dash of red. It could be colored a bit differently, but a detailed view of it has always been obscured by trees and bushes.If you or anyone you know is missing a green bird, write me an email at pardonmeinbrooklyn at gmail dot com.
I live on Union btwn Smith and Hoyt with the back of our building facing President and I just saw this adorable parrot outside my 2nd floor window. It is probably 4-5 inches tall, mostly green. Hopefully he finds a warm home before the winter.
Maybe one of the Greenwood Cemetery parrots lost its way? I've sometimes seen them fly around Carroll Gardens:
The bird has been in our backyard area since Sunday (President/Union - between Smith and Hoyt)...It is a Love Bird and has a tag on its ankle. I wish I knew how to catch it. I feel bad for it...
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