NY Kids Club will be offering "a 6,000 square foot, two story complex featuring five classrooms and state-of-the -art gym space". Besides a pre-school, the space will be rented out for birthday celebrations and will offer summer camps, dance, art, and language programs.
The NY Kids Club coming to Cobble Hill continues a trend towards children's programing here in South Brooklyn which reflects the area's new demographic. Right across the street from this location at 292 Court Street, a LePort Montessori School is slated to open.
Just one block away on Court street, Champion's Martial Art Studio just opened its doors in January of this year.
Countless other businesses catering to young families have recently opened or are in the process of opening.
As for the Winn Discount store which closed in September 2015 after decades in the neighborhood, it is still missed by many in the neighborhood. How about you?
I still miss Winn. When we need to buy a mundane household item in my house, we always say "we could have bought this at Winn. Now we have to scour all of Brooklyn or go to Manhattan to find 'x'." Last week I needed toothpicks, of all things, for cooking purposes. Couldn't find them anywhere nearby (skewers wouldn't have worked even though they're readily available). I actually had to order them from Amazon, and the shipping cost me more than the lousy box of toothpicks. The lone Key Food supermarket in CG doesn't carry them anymore, even though its predecessor Met Food did. Ridiculous, no? When Winn closed last year, I commented on this blog that they wouldn't be back.
I miss Winn too. But at least the space isn't being taken over by a chain store (especially a drugstore) or retailer of some Artisanal Brooklyn Stereotype.
Winn Discount was a huge rip-off especially the most recent ownership whose prices were higher than the local bodegas. You could go across the street to the bodega on the corner of Ciurtvand Degraw and batteries for 25% less. Cleaning supplies and light bulbs could be had at Mazzone's for far less. The store was dirty and the service was non existent. May it rest in peace. There are no regrets.
I never purchased anything at Winn that I could buy elsewhere for less, and I'm not defending them for being overpriced. That's just common sense, but I would shop at Winn for items I couldn't FIND conveniently anywhere else. Floor and dust mops and refills, buckets, twine, clothes pins, kitchen sink strainers, tin pie plates and pans (not cookware type baking pans), thumb tacks, you name it...those sundry, everyday things you need to run a household. You could run in there for something you needed on a moment's notice amd find it. But then again, I guess if you don't run a household, then who needs this stuff, right? Like it or not, CG is becoming a less convenient place to shop, and I'm not talking about gourmet food stores.
I miss Winn. There's a tremendous proliferation of children's places, but not one single-stop sundries store. It's made life a bit more difficult, having to go to five or six far-flung places instead of one quick stop at Winn. Like the first commenter, I too have had to order what used to be common, easy-to-find items from Amazon (I think clothes pins was the last one. Ridiculous.)
CG is getting creepier--a lot more children & less oldsters.
Carroll Gardens has been getting creepier for the last 10 years!! I miss Winn around holidays when I needed foil pans, lids and other holiday items you need in pinch. It was easier than I
jumping in your car.
The soul of Carroll Gardens has been its people and the neighborhood shops, the character of this lovely neighborhood is just about gone. It has been replaced with families of great financial means, who have little or no emotional connection. Carroll Gardens may as well be the Upper West Side. Development, growth and of course home values are great, but this has become a runaway train. Too bad. But glad I knew Carroll Gardens when it was that lovely little enclave.
Are children not the ultimate "Artisanal Brooklyn Stereotype" in Carroll Gardens? How many dedicated playspaces do there need to be?
As for Winn, I think I've been in there half a dozen times in the 11+ years I've been in the neighborhood. It's normally overpriced for anything I was looking for.
When I was a kid in the 50s-60s, we played outdoors...inside the front gates or on the sidewalk on the blocks where we lived. We had our falls and cuts and scrapes, we got up and kept playing, and we turned out just fine.
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