As seen from the Carroll Street Bridge, 365 Bond Street in background, 363 Bond Street in foreground
365 Bond Street at First Street
At Second Street

365 Bond Street apartment listings on Craig's List
Pardon me for asking, but doesn't it seem a bit surprising that 365 Bond Street, the 12-story rental development by Lightstone Group in Gowanus, has felt the need to advertise its apartments on Craig's List? The developer is now offering a month free, 'end of summer specials', and telling people to ask about 'incentive information' on the building's own site. Could this be an indication that, perhaps, the units in this building are not renting out as fast as anticipated?
Just search Craig's List for 'apartments for rent' in Gowanus (or Carroll Gardens) and you will come across quite a few listings for units at 365 Bond Street.
The luxury rental development on the shore of the Gowanus Canal, an EPA Superfund, was completed in early 2016. Of the 430 apartments in the building, 83 were set aside as 'affordable'. The market rate apartments were offered for rent this past March through Douglass Elliman, which operates a 'leasing gallery' right inside the building. By the beginning of April, the first tenants moved in.
The rent for the apartments currently available range from $2,483 a month for a studio apartment to over $6,800 for a two bedroom with a terrace. Yes, the apartments are very nice, but the rooms are rather small. The amenities in the building are awesome, but perhaps not enough to justify the rental price?
We keep on hearing from our politicians (and developers) that there is a huge deficit of apartments in the area. If that is the case, one would imagine that the building would have been fully rented by now and that the developer would not need to offer rental incentives.
More apartments will be available in Gowanus in the near future. Just next door to 365 Bond Street, a 12-story sister building at 363 Bond Street will be completed in 2017. It will add another 268 units to the development complex.
Councilman Brad Lander has been pushing hard for an overall rezoning of the Gowanus Canal corridor from mostly manufacturing to mixed use, which will open the floodgates to more residential developments similar or even larger that the Lightstone development. That will mean thousands of new apartments may soon come on the market in Gowanus.
That's rather ambitious for a neighborhood that sits squarely in a flood zone and includes one of the most toxic waterways in all of the United States. An environmental clean-up of the Gowanus Canal is planned, but is still years away from completion.
In the meantime, those adventurous enough to move into these new buildings will have to deal with foul odors emanating from the canal and with rats, as it would appear. As the photos below show, rodent bait stations have been place every few feet along the circumference of 365 Bond Street.
***And one more thing: I have heard that those who won the lottery for one of the 83 affordable apartment units at 365 Bond Street have not been allowed to move into the building yet. Apparently, Lightsone is waiting to fill all the market rate units before letting the lottery winners move into the building.
Is that correct? Can someone shed some light on this rumor?
If you look at the windows of the below market rate apartments (center of the building) on 2d Street you can see that quite a few of them are already occupied.
I took a tour of the building when it first opened a few months ago and was offered 1 month free rent also, I believe they've had this deal since the start.
Those listings on Craigslist are offered by other brokers trying to drum up business. If you look at other new projects in Brooklyn you'll see they offer 2 months free rent so 1 month isn't a big deal.
I went with a friend when he went to check it out back in June and they were offering the one month free then. Also, the amenities are extra and not included in your rent but they were offering the first year free. After that I think it was an extra 50 bucks to use the game room and other things they had.
These may be apartments that weren't available earlier because they ere still under construction. I know the canal side of the building units are still under construction.
Lastly there does seem to be a lot of competition in the luxury market in Brooklyn right now so that's probably another reason they're blanketing Craigs List. There's a lot of stuff in Downtown Brooklyn and if you want an apartment without a broker free Craig's List is probably one place you'll look.
I still don't understand why anyone in their right mind would to pay that much rent to look at the putrid waters of the Gowanus. Wait until the cleanup starts. That will really be something.
Curbed best neighborhoods?! A foul industrial zone with huge giant boxes as neighbors? I will admit I like the loft look of 365 Bond and thankfully, the NIMBY that I am, it's the only building I see from my roof. And it would be cool as a stand alone building. I'm always shocked when I drive down Bond through that canyon of sprawl. Like, hello? Where did the sun go? Like driving down Kent in Williamsburg. Hahah. A competition for Luxury buildings? If I could afford the rents there I wouldn't live there. Also are there really deck chairs and blowing sea grass on that roof? The landscaping , such as it is, is pathetic curb appeal and really needs work. This whole thing just kills me. Also I find it odd that someone who can pay that much rent would enter a lottery when they could probably live anyplace else.
Anon, the lottery was was only for the affordable units in the building.
Katia, do you recall what the affordable rents were. I don't, but just curious.
I seem to remember they were around $850 for a studio and about $900 plus for the one bedroom.
On the affordable units which were given out by lottery and are administrated by the Fifth Ave Committee, word is that 5 lottery winners have bee permitted to move in and some others are being given the runaround about their status.
An affordable unit count is not enough information. It seems only right that FAC should put out update reports on this "community benefit" that came at the cost of granting the residential zoning and adding a height bonus for that "community benefit". We need to understand just how the community has benefitted from this new monster in our midst.
I wonder what the justification could possibly be for not letting the lottery winners to move into the building at this point in time. Does anyone know?
Would love to hear from some of the people who were promised an affordable unit at 365 Bond Street.
I was surprised to see this. I live on Butler between Nevins and Bond Streets. A fully renovated building on my street just started renting out their apartments for $4,500! It includes roof access but I couldn't believe it. The apartments were originally two bedrooms but they chopped each bedroom in half and added another bathroom all in 1,000 sq. feet of space.
I guess the 365 Bond people don't want the lottery winners in in case they have farm animals and hang their laundry out the windows. If those affordable a are really say 800 dollars so they go up each year? At the whim of landlord? I mean how does that work? Or does it go up what is allowed by law?
Lightstone wants rent from affordable units as much as any other so any "paperwork" delay is fault of applicants. Affordable units are being rented just as fast. The rent paid is a % of the occupant's income so it's different for each tenant.
Most rentals are moving to streeteasy and craig's list - realtor fees may soon become extinct.
For those in question about if the Gowanus neighborhood is one of Brooklyn's best, please be sure to visit and hope you're convinced:
Anon (11:41) street easy and craiglist offer broker's apartments. It just allows them to do less work and still get their fees. Very few of the listings are actually no-fee apartments. Realtor fees will not be going away anytime soon.
The rent for the apartments at 365 Bond are not based on a percentage of your salary. If you make it through the rigorous screening process then it's set. A one bedroom is $895. Not sure about the others. I'm one of the 'chosen few' and have been getting the run around since late April. First I was told that I qualified, no problem. In June I was told I didn't make quite enough money. In August I was told I made too much money in 2015. And I'm still waiting for a final determination letter. The Fifth Ave Committee staff in charge member has changed 3 times, from April until now. Something is up.
But I'm keeping it on the down-low just in case there's a slight possibility that I get to have a doorman, a gym, and an elevator.
Hell, I'm not getting any younger as I wait for the I'll need the elevator by the time I get inside one of the apartments.
And yes, only 5 people from the affordable lottery have moved in.
@10:45 am with the link to gowanus arts. For people to click on the link if they need convincing that the Gowanus neighborhood is one of the best.Artists and visiting artists studios will be a thing of the past with rising rents and evictions of artists going on right now. The death knell has been struck.
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